Introducing this handsome hunk of a lad, Odin the two year old Rottweiler. Odin was brought into our care after a change in circumstances with his previous family.
Odin is lovely boy that enjoys the simple things in life, going on a stroll and taking all the smells of the world in. Then he likes to head back to the sensory garden to have a play with his favourite toys , his all time favourite toy is his tug rope. However you have to be strong to play with him as he is a big boy!
Odin’s past family have told us that he has previously resource guarded towards one of the family members, however this only happened once and was with a high value bone, we have not seen this behaviour in our assessments of him. He also does not like other dogs invading his space with his food or high value things, rightly so! This will need to be managed in his new home by giving him a safe space to have these things where he can be alone and his new owners will need to help him with some training.
Odin is super loving, he does not realise his size and thinks he is a lap dog that can cuddle up on top of you! He enjoys big kisses and cuddles with his trusted humans at the end of the day after a day of fun . His new owners will need to take him to training classes to brush up on general skills like leash walking and socialisation. He would love to take up a dog sport to keep his brain busy!
Depending on introductions done at the centre Odin could possibly live with another calm neutered resident dog that respects his space and cats . He is looking for an adult only home.
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