14 year old Gypsy was sadly abandoned in her twilight years. She is a sweet girl, she has clearly known love in her past life.
Gypsy needs a safe home to live out her years in piece. She is wobbly on her back legs and her mind is sometimes a little forgetful. Gypsy doesn’t let age get in her way, she loves to walk and is able to jump up on the chair to watch the world go by. She is currently on medication to help with her mobility and is responding well, She may require this long term.
She has been on a foster a few months and has had the best time. Gypsy is all go and nothing gets in her way!
Gypsy is a diamond!
Help a senior girl out and give up a space on your sofa and a place in your heart!

Sitting pretty

Gypsy and the flowers

The stance

The chair
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